
Det er ikke en naturlov, at tosprogede børn skal være sprogligt forsinkede: En fortælling fra en far til et tosproget barn

Justin Markussen-Brown, ph.d.

Det er ikke en naturlov, at tosprogede børn skal være sprogligt forsinkede: En fortælling fra en far til et tosproget barn


Fra forskning til praksis: Forskerne bag Sprogklar gør status i anledning af virksomhedens 5-års fødselsdag

Justin Markussen-Brown, Sanne Schou Olesen, Marit C. Clausen, Sofie Neergaard Trecca & Trine Printz

Audiologopædisk Forening (ALF) bringer en artikel om Sprogklar i det seneste udgave af deres fagblad. Find et link til artiklen her.


Forbyggelsen af fadeout-effekter og vigtigheden af sprogpædagogisk kontinuitet i forårs-SFO

Justin Markussen-Brown

Fadeout og behovet for efteruddannelse Forskere har længe lagt mærke til, at effekten af tidlige indsatser igangsat i børnehaven kan forsvinde i løbet af indskolingen. Et fænomen som man referer til s...


Skærmtid og sprogtilegnelse

Justin Markussen-Brown, ph.d.

I Danmark og også internationalt er der debat om, hvorvidt skærmtid er godt eller skadeligt for børns udvikling. For eksempel har det amerikanske forbund for børnelæger anbefalet, at småbørn under to ...


Kan du høre, hvad jeg siger?

Sanne Schou Olesen

Der er gennemført en række forskningsundersøgelser, som har belyst, hvordan støjfyldte omgivelser og dårlig akustik påvirker voksnes almene trivsel. Den overvejende konklusion er, at jobrelateret støj


Language acquisition is not just a question of developing language skills

Justin Markussen-Brown

The role of behaviour regulation skills in acquiring language In current approaches to supporting children’s language acquisition in childcare settings, there is a lot of focus on developing things li...


Shared-book reading for toddlers and preschoolers

Justin Markussen-Brown

Recently, I was interviewed by a journalist for the magazine LFS Nyt, the members’ magazine for the Danish Union of Social Pedagogues. The interview was regarding the importance of books within the ea...


Participation in Ph.D Cup 2016

Justin Markussen-Brown

Talk about coming out of one’s comfort zone! Last month, I stood on stage at Danmarks Radio, and tried to explain my research in a three minute pitch. It was a competition called the Ph.D. Cup, in whi...


Report from the National Reading Conference in Norway!

Justin Markussen-Brown

The last few days, I have been at the National Conference for Reading Research in Stavanger, Norway. I was invited to give a talk on the quality of language environments in Danish preschools. It has b...


Playtime: some toys promote language use more than others

Justin Markussen-Brown

Imagine three different one-year-old children receive three different toys for Christmas. The first child receives a toy-laptop that flashes letters of the alphabet and words, the second child receive...


Article in Børn og Unge!

Justin Markussen-Brown

Today, the magazine Børn og Unge brings an article about the results of a study I headed up as part of my Ph.D. project. Børn og Unge is the professional magazine for the largest union of early childh...


Check out my article on Videnskab.dk

Justin Markussen-Brown

I recently published an article on the popular science website Videnskab.dk. The goal of the article was to communicate the details of one of the studies from my Ph.D. dissertation to the general publ...


Growing up bilingual appears to have cognitive benefits – especially for children growing up in poverty

Justin Markussen-Brown

Science Direct recently brought an article about the effects of being raised in a multilingual environment. Assistant Professor Yang Hwajn discusses in the article how bilingualism can support executi...


Talking about my Ph.D. dissertation on Go’ Morgen Danmark

Justin Markussen-Brown

On July 27th, I was interviewed on the Danish morning program Go Morgen Danmark about a study in my Ph.D. dissertation that examined the quality of Danish preschools. It’s quite exceptional that the g...


Jyllands-Posten writes an article about my research!

Justin Markussen-Brown

The national newspaper Jyllands-Posten published an article about some research from my dissertation on July 24th